Blog Post

#547 Haystack Connections Magazine Fall 2017 Is Now Available !

John Petze Wed 4 Oct 2017 is excited to announce the publication of the Fall 2017 issue of Haystack Connections magazine. Haystack Connections reports the news from the Haystack community around the world and provides updates on the development of working groups, new tagging models, reference implementations, complimentary applications, and success stories from the community as we work together to make device data easier to use across applications of all types.

With 50 pages of content from members around the world this issue provides clear evidence of the success and continued adoption of Haystack, and the growth of the community. It also includes a focus on the May 2017 Haystack Connect conference that we think readers will see great value in – even if you attended the event – as there was just too much to take in at once. And for the first time, Haystack Connections includes ads from technology suppliers that provide complimentary products, services and applications to the Haystack Community. We greatly appreciate their support of the publication.

You can find the Fall 2017 issue of Haystack Connections at this link

Finally, special thanks to everyone that contributed to the content for this issue of Haystack Connections and especially to Therese Sullivan, Editor.

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