#228 "preHeat" tag proposal for an air handler

Denis OConnor Mon 17 Nov 2014

I propose that we use the "preHeat" tag to identify the pre-heat coil points in a similar way as the "heat" and "cool" tags are used with the heating and cooling coils of the air handler.

preHeat cmd

preHeat leaving air temp sensor

preHeat leaving air temp sp

Brian Simmons Thu 19 Apr 2018

I agree a preHeat tag would be very useful.

Jay Herron Fri 20 Apr 2018

I also think this is a good suggestion.

Alex Bible Sun 22 Apr 2018


Paul Quinn Mon 23 Apr 2018

I support this suggestion but would suggest using all lower case "preheat" to conform to a similar tag "reheat".

What is the process and timeline for this to be accepted and added to the online documentation? It seems like good suggestions are made on the forum but I never see them published in the online document.

I, for one, would like to see a more defined process that indicates when a proposal receives a certain number of approvals (say 10), it will be published within 5 days. I think if people knew what it takes to have their recommendations acted on they would make more comments and suggestions.

Tim Heinrich Fri 4 May 2018

I agree, as VAV systems have the actual Reheat now at the Terminal Unit. Also, after just looking at the AHU flowchart, it is a mistake to list the Cool Coil 1st, because if dxCool, you can freeze the Heat Coil. Remember Heat Cool 1st in most cases.

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